QHSE Policy

Titanium shall ensure the quality, health, safety and appropriate work environment for its employees, suppliers and any third party who might be involved in our operation. The company is committed to establish, implement & monitor QHSE Management system and its objectives in accordance with the requirements of the International Standards viz., ISO 9001:2015. Titanium QHSE Code:
ISO certificate

Smoking Policy

Smoking is a potential hazard and has been linked to the endangerment of personnel health as well as those people around you. Titanium’s Policy on smoking strives to protect all employees from exposure to smoke. The following rules and regulations shall be maintained and followed by all employees, visitors and contracted personnel. These rules shall apply on all Titanium premises-


Personal protective equipment is a barrier between work related hazards and the human body. The hazards associated with each activity shall be assessed and the appropriate PPE shall be selected and used. The following are the main criteria for selecting PPE-


Driving is the highest potential risk faced by our employees and our contractors. Titanium will do the necessary to minimize this risk and ensure that worldwide standards for driving qualification and practices are strictly followed. This policy applies to all Titanium organization.

The following must be implemented in all Titanium organizations:

Qualification and Training of Drivers:

Seat Belts

 All employees and contractors are required to wear seat belts at all time when driving a vehicle and to ensure all passengers are also wearing the seat belts all the time.

Journey Management

 Journey Management program must be implemented in all Titanium locations.


Substance abuse impairs an individual’s ability to perform the work efficiently and safely. The uses of prohibited and non-prescribed drugs are a danger to the user and fellow workers and will not be tolerated on the crew at any time or under any circumstances.

Under no circumstances is alcohol to be consumed at work locations, base or in the field. All employees are forbidden to be under the influence of alcohol while on duty.

Employees must be aware of company, client and sub-contractor policies on drugs and alcohol – the use, misuse, possession, distribution, or sale of alcohol, substance drugs or related articles is prohibited.

Illegal drugs and consumption of alcohol are not allowed on crews and their use is cause for dismissal.

Prescription and over-the-counter drugs may also impair your performance at work, consult your physician and/or label instructions as to any work-related risk. Advise your immediate supervisor of any drugs being used so proper safety precautions can be taken.

The employee has the responsibility to report the use of all prescription or non-prescription drugs or medications prior to reporting to duty.

Personnel contravening the contents of this policy will be liable to severe disciplinary measures.



Titanium Assets shall be secured and protected against misuse, fraud and other illegal activities. Titanium shall strive to be best prepared for any probable emergency so as to minimize possible losses. The organization shall manage emergencies in all its activities and co-operate with external emergency services. The response to any emergency shall focus on the following priorities and assist in the return to normal operations in the shortest possible time. 1. Saving life and avoiding injury to PEOPLE 2.Protecting the ENVIRONMENT 3. Limiting damage to ASSETS 4. Preserving Titanium REPUTE, the impact of this policy is that:


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